Message of welcome from the patron of the conference, Mrs. Mary Banotti, European Parliament President's Mediator for Transnationally Abducted Children

lt is with great regret that l am unable to attend the PAS Conference due to a previous engagement. I believe it is vitally important that PAS is discussed internationally and progressed with family therapy/social work organisations, but particularly within family legal systems throughout Europe.

In my work as the European Parliament President's Mediator for Transnationally Abducted Children l have personal experience of PAS on children, often at a very tender age in their lives.

In too many cases of child abduction, the innocent children are greviously harmed by the hate and revenge which are all too often at the heart of these cases.

l wish this Conference every success and await the outcome with concern and interest.

Yours sincerely

Mary Banotti MEP


Welcome of the conference participants
by Dr. med. Wilfrid von Boch-Galhau

Ladies and gentlemen,
dear colleagues from the various professional groups accompanying divorce,

It is my very great pleasure, in the name of the organisers, to extend to you here in Frankfurt a warm welcome to the international conference "The Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) - An Interdisciplinary Challenge for Professionals Involved in Divorce". Some of you have travelled very far - from a total of 16 different countries - to get to Frankfurt. In the coming two days, we will be concerned with a very complex subject matter that in part evokes controversial discussions.

We are particularly pleased that Ms Mary Banotti, representative of the European Parliament and responsible for transnational abduction of children, accepted the patronage for this conference. She has also conveyed her best wishes (appended to the Conference Folder) through her representative Mrs. Clodagh Hourigan. Many thanks also to Dr. Stark, representative of the Frankfurt Lady Mayor Mrs Frau Petra Roth, for her courteous words of welcome.


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